EVENTS Lecture

3月1日(金)「No Strain no Gain」講師:Professor Jon T. Njardarson



講 師 : Professor Jon T. Njardarson(Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the University of Arizona.)
演 題 : 「No Strain no Gain」講演会ポスターへ
日 時 : 2019年3月1日(金)15:00~17:00
場 所 : 先導物質化学研究所(筑紫地区)中央棟111演習室

Abstract: This seminar will present how the Njardarson groups investigations into catalytic ring openings of strained rings led them through serendipitous discovery to investigate asymmetric anionic reaction cascades, which in turn opened the door for new natural product target applications and eventually new exciting asymmetric rearrangement studies.

新藤充  092-583-7802  友岡克彦 092-583-7806