EVENTS Lecture

3月13日(金)「Some Interesting Properties of Micro- and Nanostructures Containing Liquid Crystals」講師:Prof. Heinz-S. Kitzerow

 液晶の物性研究で著名な Heinz-S. Kitzerow教授( the University of Paderborn, Germany)の講演会を下記の通り行 いますので、ご案内申し上げます。多数のご参加を お待ちしています。

<strong>  主 催:九州大学先導物質化学研究所、九州大学 グ ローバルCOE「新炭素資源学」
  日 時:2009年3月13日(金)15時~17時
  場 所:九州大学筑紫キャンパス(春日市春日公園 6-1)総合研究棟3階303講義室
  題 目:Some Interesting Properties of Micro- and Nanostructures Containing Liquid Crystals</strong>

要 旨:
  Beyond their well-known electrooptic applications in flat screen displays, liquid crystals exhibit promising properties for potential applications in optoelectronics and photonics. In many cases, however, a uniform film of a common liquid crystal is not sufficient, but special functionalized molecular materials and sophisticated geometries are required for these purposes. The talk gives an overview about recent research activities on liquid crystals and liquid crystal composites at the University of Paderborn, which are focused on the (polarized) electroluminescence of very thin layers (d &lt; 100 nm) of suitable liquid crystals, photorefractive properties of polymer-dispersed liquid crystals, tunable photonic crystals and microcavities, as well as surface patterns derived from dissipative structures.


  Heinz-Siegfried Kitzerow is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Paderborn since 1998. In 2008, he became coordinator of the graduate program “Micro- and Nano-structures in Optoelectronics and Photonics” at this university. His team works on liquid crystals and their behavior in complex geometries, polymer composites and thin electro-luminescent layers. Kitzerow serves as secretary of the International Liquid Crystal Society and member of the managing board of the German Liquid Crystal Society. He worked previously as a lecturer at the Technical University (TU) Berlin and visited the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Universit〓 Paris-Sud, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawaii, for postgraduate research. He studied chemistry and received his Ph. TU Berlin.

 Kitzerow先生は、液晶の物性、特にElectro-opticsや Photonicsの分野で顕著な成果を挙げられています。1980年代には、当時まだ本質が十分に明らかとなっていなかったブルー相に着目し、電場印加に伴う格子ひずみや選択反射の変化などを先駆的に研究されました。今回は、来日の貴重な機会をとらえ九州大学で講演していただきます。
菊 池  裕 嗣 (Hirotsugu Kikuchi)
九州大学先導物質化学研究所 融合材料部門
Tel/Fax: 092-583-7797