8月24日(金)Progress 100 International Symposium

量子プロセス理工学専攻 教職員 各位

Progress 100で来訪中の先導研特定プロジェクト教員(旧招へい外国人研究員)グラスゴー大Duncan GREGORY教授と同じく先導研特定プロジェクト教員として今月末まで滞在中の台湾中原大学劉偉仁准教授をお招きし講演会を開催します。

Progress 100 International Symposium
(Toward Application of EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core Collaboration in Advanced Materials)

Aug. 24th(Fri) at RoomA-111 of building A in Chikushi Campus

15:00-15:45 “New Dimensions in Energy Materials” by Prof. Duncan GREGORY (University of Glasgow, Visiting Prof. of Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering)
15:45-16:30 “Introduction on Energy Materials Laboratory in CYCU”, by Prof. Wei-Ren LIU (Chung Yuan Christian University, Visiting Prof. of Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering)
16:30-17:00 “Local Structure of Highly Concentrated NaClO4 Electrolyte for Aqueous Sodium-ion Battery”, by Mr. Ryo SAKAMOTO (Kyushu University)

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Shigeto OKADA
Prof., Dr. Sc.,
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Kyushu University
Kasuga Koen 6-1, Kasuga, 816-8580 Japan
Tel & Fax:+81-92-583-7841
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