EVENTS Lecture

8月29日(月)「Studies On Lithium Air Batteries」講師:ユ アイシュイ 教授

先導研職員 各位


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講 師 : ユ アイシュイ 教授
        (Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, 中華人民共和国)
演 題 : Studies On Lithium Air Batteries
日 時 : 平成23年8月29日(月)15:00~17:00
場 所 : 先導物質化学研究所北棟111号室(コピー室横)
講演内容: Lithium oxygen (air) battery has the highest theoretical specific energy of 11140 Wh kg-1 excluding O2, however, the research on lithium-air battery is still in the initial stage and many obstacles must be overcome in order to achieve long operating life and large discharge capacity. Our studies focus on the following three aspects:
(1) optimization of battery structure to protect lithium from moisture invasion;(2) oxygen reduction catalyst to reduce polarization and to improve discharge voltage and rate;(3) investigation on discharge mechanism of lithium air battery.

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