11月28日(月)「GCOE satellite symposium on nanobioscience, nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine」

 先導研非常勤講師、東京工業大学・岡畑惠雄先生および筑波大学・長崎幸夫先生を交え、以下のシンポジウムを開催します。ナノメディシンのパイオニ ア、Alexander V. Kabanov先生 (University of Nebraska Medical Center)および核酸・ペプチドバイオテクノロジーの第一線研究者Oliver Seitz先生(Humboldt University)、浅沼浩之先生(名古屋大)もお招きし、また九大の若手にも研究紹介をしてもらいます。ふるってご参加いただければ幸いです。  丸山

   GCOE satellite symposium on nanobioscience, nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine

Date & Time: 10:00 am November 28, 2011

Place   : CE40 Seminar room (2F), Ito campus, Kyushu University

10:00 -10:50 Professor Yukio Nagasaki (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

        Self-assembled redox polymers for novel nanomedicine

10:50-11:10 Dr. Thasaneeya Kuboki (Kyushu University, Japan)

        Tensegrity behavior of cytoskeletal components observed in substrate-mechanics-dependent
        proteomic responses of mesenchymal stem cell analyzed by 2D-DIGE

11:10-11:30 Dr Takeshi Mori (Kyushu University, Japan)

        ”Soft” polyion complex for biomaterial applications

11:30-12:30 Professor Alexander V. Kabanov (University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA)

        Nanomedicines for protein delivery to the brain

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:20 Professor Hiroyuki Asanuma (Nagoya University, Japan)

        Artificial nucleotides for therapy- –siRNA activation and probing-

14:20-14:40 Dr. Naohiko Shimada (Kyushu University, Japan)

        Ureido-derivatized polymers exhibit UCST-type phase transition behavior under physiologically
        relevant conditions

14:40-15:30 Professor Yoshio Okahata (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

        Kinetics of biomolecular reactions on a quartz-crystal microbalance

15:30-15:50 Coffee Break

15:50-16:10 Dr. Yu Hoshino (Kyushu University, Japan)

        Plastic antibody & molecular recognition at polymer surface

16:10-16:30 Dr. Yosuke Taniguchi (Kyushu University, Japan)

        Sequence specific recognition and detection of oxidative nucleotide damage by adenosine
        derivative in DNA

16:30- 17:30 Professor Oliver Seitz (Humboldt University, Germany)

        Rapid chemical synthesis of functional protein domain arrays