講演会「From Molecule Self-assembly to Preparation of Au, Ag and ZnO Nanostructures」講師 Jiang Peng 先生


講 師:Jiang Peng準教授(中国国立ナノ科学技術センター)

演 題:「From Molecule Self-assembly to Preparation of Au, Ag and ZnO Nanostructures」

日 時:平成19年6月21日(木)15:00~16:00

場 所:先導研(筑紫地区)中央棟111室

4月から6月の期間、先導研ヘテロ融合材料分野(辻・吾郷研究室)にご滞在中のJian Peng先生(中国国立ナノ科学技術センター)に講師をお願いし、先導研外国人客員準教授講演会を開催いたします。万障お繰り合わせの上ご参加くださるようお願い申し上げます。

要旨:Part I. Real time STM imaging of of small sulfur-contained organic molecules in liquid environment on Au(111) A study on adsorption of molecules at metal or semiconductor interfaces is a very important topic from the viewpoints of fundament and application. Real-time STM imaging of small sulfur-contained organic molecules in liquid environment will help us to deeply understand static conformation and orientation of the organic molecules adsorbing at single crystal metal surface. This part will focus on our latest experimental results on ordered self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 2-naphthalenethiol and thiolcrown molecules on Au(111) substrate.

Part II. Preparation of Au, Ag and ZnO Nanostructures Control preparation (size, shape etc.) of metal and semiconductor nanomaterials has become a hot-point in modern material science. Its realization will open many potential opportunities for us to design imaginable nanodevices including single electron devices and nanobiosensors on the basis of the unit blocks. This part will focus on our some recent results on preparation of Au, Ag and ZnO nanomaterials.

辻 剛志 (TSUJI Takeshi)
九州大学 先導物質化学研究所 ヘテロ融合材料分野助教
(大学院 総合理工学研究科 量子プロセス理工学専攻)
TEL/FAX : 092-583-7816